Dental Implants

Dental implants are the best solution for your missing teeth. These implants made of titanium are placed precisely at your natural teeth position. At the dental clinic in Gorakhpur, your missing tooth/teeth can be restored with a single tooth, a few teeth (implant-supported bridge), or an implant-retained complete denture can be replaced. It is inserted surgically into the jawbone just below the gum line, allowing the dentist to attach a crown on top of it to mimic a natural tooth.

Advantages of dental implants

  • Enhances aesthetics, comfort and confidence
  • Convenient as they offer a fixed alternative to replacing teeth
  • Highly resilient and, with proper maintenance, can last a lifetime.
  • Improves eating habits, speech and clarity.

According to the best dentist doctor in Gorakhpur, dental implants, which feel, look, and function like natural teeth, are the most realistic, long-lasting solution for restoring the functionality of your teeth.

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